
The Best Ways to Calm Your Interview Nerves

What are the Most Effective Ways to Find and Attract Great Employees in Modesto?

Nervousness is no fun. Your heart may beat faster or your breathing may accelerate. You may become flushed and sweaty, or cold and clammy, and you may even tremble uncontrollably. In fact, it’s not atypical to experience all these symptoms.

But it’s also normal, especially when it occurs in anticipation of a major event or performance or when meeting someone new. And a job interview is all three. Landing a job is a milestone occurrence in your life, and you need to put on the best “show” possible as you face your potential employer for the first time.

Here are some ways to calm your nerves and set a tone of confidence and control when you interview:

Be prepared.

One of the biggest reason for interview-related nervousness is fear of the unknown. So, do whatever you can to be in the know about your desired job, the company you hope to be working for, whomever will be interviewing you, and anything else that will put you at ease.

  • Do your research. LinkedIn is a great place to start as you learn as much as possible ahead of your interview. Ditto the company website. Pull out all the stops, including anyone you know – including friends of friends or second or third-level connections – who may be able to help you.
  • Do a practice run. Plan your travel or commute to your interview in advance. If it’s virtual, make sure your technology is working and you have a quiet, professional looking spot from which to take the meeting or call. If you’re interviewing in person, you may want to actually take an advance trip to see how much time will be required, where to park and enter the building, and other details that may seem minor now, but could seriously rattle you when the time comes.

When the big day arrives, give it your all.

Start the day of your interview on the right foot by giving yourself ample time, energy, and just the right amount of calmness and coolness to give it your very, very best shot.

  • Leave yourself some extra time. Plan your day around your interview. This starts with getting plenty of sleep the night before and allowing yourself extra time to get ready. You can’t predict the weather, traffic jams, or other unforeseen circumstances. And even if everything goes smoothly, it’s a bonus to be able to just sit and breathe, meditate, pray, or listen to some calming music before you more into “go” mode. This also includes leaving time for a healthy pre-interview meal.
  • Last but not least, remember: an interview is a two-way conversation. They’re assessing you – but you’re assessing them, too. It’s not an interrogation. You’ve made it this far, so prepare your own questions about the opportunity and don’t hesitate to ask them.

Need additional tips?

The PrideStaff Modesto team of career development experts can help you prepare to ace your next job interview – along with all the steps of your successful job search, from making initial contacts with the right employers and preparing your resume to networking, interview techniques, follow-up communication and much more. Reach out to us today to learn more.

