When you have a job opening to fill, you typically have to sort through resumes. Lots of resumes. You can save yourself and your team a lot of time and energy by knowing what to look for – right up front. You need to ensure that the candidates you consider are exactly who they say they are and that their credentials are valid and match your needs as an employer.
To get you started on the right path, here are five things to look for on every resume.
Proper Spelling and Grammar
Your gauge of an employee’s commitment and attention to detail starts here. Spelling or grammar errors on a resume are unacceptable. Period.
- Shortfalls in spelling or grammar are indicative of what you can expect from a person as an employee. If they can’t get the details right for the most important opportunity they will ever have to make the right impression, why would you have faith that they will do so once hired?
The Right Qualifications
Look for the combination of education, skills and experience that your ideal candidate would possess. Applicants should highlight these on their resume and indicate how they have successfully applied them in their professional lives.
A Relevant Objective
Avoid generic statements that could be used for any job.
- A candidate’s objective should be clearly and concisely articulated as it applies to the position. There shouldn’t be too much company-specific jargon or complex terminology, but it should be applicable and immediately strike a chord in terms of your needs.
Measurable Accomplishments
You want hard facts – not fluff. A strong candidate will back up any resume assertions with measurable, quantifiable facts. For instance, instead of an applicant simply stating that they “helped grow the business,” they should say something like, “added 15 new clients over a three-month period.”
- Check to see if a person’s LinkedIn and other profiles match the details listed on their resume. Any inconsistency is a red flag.
- Buzzwords like “accomplished” or “managed” should be backed by concrete statistics and measurement. Where applicable, look for numbers, dollar figures and percentages.
Employment Gaps
Watch for gaps including employment listed only in years, versus months. An additional red flag often is a functional resume, which avoids providing any dates at all.
- Employment gaps are not necessarily deal breakers. However, if a candidate fails to adequately explain them, dig deeper until you get a satisfactory response – or not.
The recruitment experts at PrideStaff Modesto can partner with you to identify your unique staffing and human capital needs, as well as the real skills that each job candidate must offer. The results will be quicker placements, better hires, and enhanced results. Contact us today to learn more.