
BREATHE … Overcome Job Search Stress!

A long job search can wear on your attitude, outlook, self-esteem, and even your physical health. Keep in mind that fear, stress and frustration are common side effects for job hunters – and you are not alone. But if the search is taking significantly longer than you anticipated, a few practical tips can help.

Have a plan.

Create and follow a long-term plan for your search. Be realistic. Acknowledge that it may take several months to land your dream job.

  • Avoid becoming overwhelmed by breaking big goals into smaller, more manageable steps. Set reasonable amounts of time in which to complete each step and ultimately find a position.
  • Estimate how many contacts you’ll need to make and leads you’ll need to generate in order to get an offer. Break this down into monthly, weekly and if needed, daily time frames. A conservative “hit rate” is one interview per 15 resumes sent or contacts made – and one in eight interviews may yield an offer. If you’re not having success in meeting these deadlines, take some time to rethink your approach.

Be positive.

Having a positive attitude really does make a difference. Believe in yourself, instead of beating yourself up over a disappointing interview or a rejection letter.

  • Encourage yourself by being prepared. For instance, practice for an upcoming interview with a good friend or trusted colleague.
  • Look for ways to find positivity in other areas of your life. Continue to pursue your favorite hobbies and pastimes, and spend quality time with friends and family.
  • Don’t try to shoulder the stress alone. Let others know that you’re job hunting. Their simple words of encouragement can be a huge boost at this time, and taking action will help you feel more in control of the situation. Surround yourself with people who support and believe in you. Stay away from the naysayers.
  • List your positives. Write down projects you’re proud of, situations where you’ve excelled, and things you’re good at. Review this often as a self-confidence shot in the arm.

Take care of yourself.

Treat your body and your psyche well. Now is not the time to slack off on exercise, proper diet or sleep. All these things help you keep stress levels under control and maintain focus throughout your search.

  • Exercise is a great outlet for stress. It’s also a powerful mood and energy booster.
  • Sleep has a huge influence on your mood and productivity. Strive for seven or eight hours of it every night.
  • Try relaxation techniques such as deep breathing, meditation or yoga. These boost feelings of serenity and joy, and teach you to stay calm and collected in challenging situations.

Stay connected through networking.

The vast majority of – and the best – job openings are never advertised. Take advantage of networking and relationship building, both online and in person. Make this a regular, ongoing aspect of your job search plan.

Do you need additional tips for managing job search stress – or with your overall plan and strategy as you take your career to the next level? Consider partnering with a professional recruiter from PrideStaff Modesto. It’s the most important networking step you can take.

Check out our related posts or contact us today to learn more.
