
Feeling Stuck in Your Career? These Quizzes and Tests Can Help

There are a number of reasons you may find yourself feeling stuck in a rut at some point in your career. For instance, perhaps you took your job for the money, but despite a lucrative salary, you’re not fulfilled or challenged, or the hours or stress are hurting your overall quality of life. Or maybe you’ve simply become too comfortable in a position or have stayed there too long out of fear of the “devil you don’t know” if you were to make a move to a new role.

Whatever the underlying reason, how to get “unstuck” can pose a conundrum. How can you discover what it is you really want to be doing? Fortunately, there are several career quizzes and tests which take these questions into account.

They help you to more closely examine your values, interests, skills, and goals – and get started down the right professional path. Here’s a sampling: Career Aptitude Test

This free test shows you four photos, each one depicting work associated with a specific personality type. You then choose your most and least favorite illustrated activity. Then, you answer 15 questions and based on your responses, receive what is known as a Holland Code result – based on John Holland’s theory of personality types and careers. Your results come with a list of suggested occupations that match your specific type.

Truity: The Big Five Personality Test

Another free option is this career personality assessment that helps you discover, in less than 10 minutes, how you relate to others – which can be a key factor in determining the best role for you. The results detail how open you are to new experiences, how much self-discipline you have how much of an extrovert you are, and how you handle stressful situations. Career Test – Work Personality Analysis

This option is a 60-question quiz to help you identify your personality strengths and apply them to finding the right career and work environment. You can opt for a free version to pinpoint your core strengths and management style, or upgrade and get a more comprehensive 10-page report for $39.95. MAPP Career Test

MAPP stands for Motivational Appraisal Personal Potential. This test focuses on your motivations, such as what tasks you enjoy the most, how you like to complete them, and how you deal with people, data, reasoning and language to determine your true professional calling. The free sample package offers ample knowledge and suggests 10 possible career options, but you can also choose other packages for more in-depth intel.

The Myers-Briggs Organization: MBTI Instrument

The MBTI is one of the most well-known and widely used personality assessments. It helps you learn where you get your energy, how you like to process information, how you make decisions, and what kind of structure you like in the world around you. There’s a free online version, or you can pay $45 for a more full report or $175 for a report including personalized feedback.


To help you further explore – and achieve – your professional goals, consider partnering with one of our experienced career coaches at PrideStaff Modesto. The right job is closer than you think, and everything we do is geared toward you and your success. Reach out to us today to learn more.

