Teamwork may be one of the most common buzzwords in the corporate world. But that only underlines its importance, as robust teams build morale, productivity, and profitability, and make problem-solving more effective.
- There are myriad studies on the value of teamwork. In one report, 86 percent of employees and executives reported that workplace failures were the direct result of a lack of collaboration or ineffective communication.
When all is said and done, successful team building comes down to trust. Team members must be able to trust one another, as well as their leaders, for your business to move in the right direction.
As you foster trust, garner mutual respect, and build industry-leading teams within your organization, here are a few key concepts to guide you down the right path:
Clarify roles and expectations.
From your first point of contact with a prospective hire through an employee’s full tenure with your company, clearly document and communicate everyone’s roles, responsibilities, and mutual expectations.
- People should be aware of their own, and also their coworkers’ roles – those of their immediate teammates, if not the entire organization. This helps eliminate confusion and time wasted on additional reorganizing and delegating – so everyone can focus on their task at hand.
Specify goals.
Make short and long-term organizational goals clear to all team members – and ensure that they understand how they contribute to the bigger picture. When everyone has clear, common targets to shoot for, communication becomes more streamlined, and teamwork more purposeful.
Communicate – and lead – by example.
It’s unarguably true: People don’t quit jobs, they quit bosses. Make active listening, conflict resolution, and other communication best practices integral to your job – every day. A big part of effective communication is encouraging feedback and letting people know their voices are being heard.
- Solicit input from all roles and at all levels within your organization, from receptionists and parking lot attendants to C-suite executives. Use whatever forums work best: town hall meetings, focus groups, lunches with the CEO … and don’t forget one-on-one, online, and good old school suggestion boxes, especially for those introverts who may have awesome ideas and need to contribute, even though they may not speak loudly or publicly.
Reward achievements and milestones.
Acknowledging and praising a job well-done bolsters confidence, boosts morale, and encourages individuals and teams to keep up the good work. And, it has a domino effect: When people see their peers being recognized, they want a piece of the action.
- Tailor rewards to the individual and the accomplishment. They don’t have to be lavish or expensive, just meaningful. Sometimes, all it takes is a personalized email from a department head or pizza in the breakroom for a team that hits a stretch goal. Know your people – and you’ll know innately what to do.
Successful team-building starts with successful hiring. Your process should illustrate how well a candidate would fit into your company culture and help your business achieve its goals and vision. Let the experts at PrideStaff Modesto work with you to optimize your hiring strategy, as well as develop current employees and managers to strengthen teamwork. Contact us today to learn more.