Even on their last day of work, employees remember their first day. In the case of your new hires, you want that last day to be a long way down the line – so be sure you make a positive, lasting impression during the first one.
Day one on the job gives a person a snapshot of what working for your company will be like. That lasting image could mean the difference between them going home and saying, “I love my new job!” and “I wonder how long I have to stick this out before I can find something else …”
Involve your team in the onboarding process.
This is important not only because your team members will be working with your new hire, but also because it spreads out onboarding activities among several people, still allowing everyone enough time to get their regular jobs done.
· Inform the team ahead of time so they can prepare. For instance, if a new hire would benefit from shadowing a coworker, let the current employee know so they can develop talking points and easily explainable examples of their work.
Make introductions.
Spend some time on thoughtful introductions, so your new employee can begin to acclimate. Don’t just parade them around, making 17 introductions in 20 minutes, and then park them at their desk. Make each meeting personal.
· Give a little background. Instead of just a quick, “Hey Susan, this is Jim, our newest employee,” say something like, “Hi Susan, this is Jim, our new data entry clerk. He’s a natural with program procedures and has an extensive customer service background. Touch base with him during the day and let him know what you need for the XYZ sales project.”
Have everything ready.
Be sure your new hire’s workstation is fully equipped and operational before they arrive on day one. This means all hardware and software is ready to go – as well as phones, swipe cards to access parking lots or buildings, and all related details. Nothing says, “Who are you?” or “We’re not really ready for you” like being physically locked out or having nowhere to sit.
· Minimize paperwork on the first day. Separate it into three categories: things that can be done beforehand, things that must be done on the first day, and things that can be left for later in the week.
Check-in frequently with your new hire. Don’t just ask “How was your first day?” Make sure they’ve met everyone, know where key things and places are, and feel confident about what they’ll be doing on Day Two.
· Make a note to continue frequent check-ins during an employee’s early days and throughout the first month. From there, schedule some reviews for the remainder of the year, but don’t limit feedback to formal meetings. Make sure it’s regular, ongoing and in real-time. This is an important reminder not only when communicating with new hires, but with all your team members.
The talent management experts at PrideStaff Modesto can partner with you to ensure that you hire, train, develop and retain the best candidates on the market – including an awesome onboarding experience as part of your success strategy. Contact us today to learn more.