
4 Tips For Getting Your Employees to Perform at Their Best

Is business performance important? Of course it is. And your business is only as strong as each one of your employees. So, it’s essential you lead, motivate and inspire team members to consistently perform at their personal best levels.

Sometimes it’s easier said than done. But there are some basic guidelines you can follow, to benefit your people, company, and your own peace of mind.

Setting the Right Goals

Help each employee set appropriate goals that prioritize their actions and focus their efforts in the right direction. Goal setting should follow the SMART framework. Every goal should be:

  • Specific: Answering – in detail – the who, what, when, where and why of achievement
  • Measurable: Equipped with concrete numbers, so there are measurable outcomes
  • Attainable: Within reach; aka, achievable for the individual
  • Relevant: Important, meaningful and tied to company goals
  • Timely: Grounded within a time frame that will produce desired results

Having an Action Plan

After you collaborate with an employee to set their performance goals, work with them to develop an action plan to turn those goals into reality.

  • A goal without a plan won’t hold water. Break long-term goals into smaller, more manageable pieces to prevent employees from feeling intimidated by them. And be sure to attach a timeline to each goal.

Empowering People

Empowerment means enabling and authorizing people to think, make decisions, behave and take action in self-directed ways. And with empowerment comes engagement.

  • Give employees the training they need. In the words of John F. Kennedy, “leadership and training are indispensable to each other.” It’s simple. You cannot succeed unless you know how.
  • Remove any barriers to success. Give employees the time, resources and support they need to achieve their goals. If there are irrelevant tasks or obstacles in their way, support people in getting them removed.

Monitoring Progress

Assess employee progress towards achieving results. As you do so, make any necessary adjustments along the way. An action plan is a living document; aka, a work in progress.

  • Annual performance reviews are not enough. Effective performance management requires ongoing check-ins, dialogue and updates. For new employees, you may need to assess performance daily or even more often at first. For those who have demonstrated competence, your check-in schedule can be less frequent. Use your best judgment.

The workforce development experts at PrideStaff Modesto can help as you develop your employee performance management strategies and continue to build your industry-leading workforce. Read our related posts or contact us today to learn more.
