
Avoiding Burnout as a Manager

Burnout as a manager can be devastating. If you feel constantly tired, disengaged or unmotivated on the job, you may be suffering from it.

The good news is: There are ways to reduce or avoid burnout, so you can continue to be your best self at work.

What is Burnout?

Before you can fight burnout, you need to know what you’re up against. Symptoms include:

  • A negative or critical attitude at work.
  • Dreading going into work – and wanting to leave once you’re there.
  • Low energy and little interest in your work.
  • Trouble sleeping.
  • Absenteeism
  • Feelings of emptiness or thoughts that your work doesn’t have meaning.
  • Pulling away emotionally from colleagues or clients.
  • Blaming others for your mistakes.
  • Physical complaints such as headaches, backaches or illnesses.
  • Being easily irritated by team members or customers.
  • Thinking of changing roles or quitting your job.

Stress vs. Burnout

While stress and burnout share common characteristics, there are distinct differences between the two. Stress is usually short term, spiked by a feeling that your work is out of control for a finite period of time, especially when you’re under pressure to meet a deadline or complete a task. Burnout takes place over a much longer period. You continue to go through the motions of your job, without truly being engaged. This eventually leads to cynicism, exhaustion and in many cases, poor performance.

What Causes Burnout?

Lack of autonomy or recognition are common causes of burnout. You may experience symptoms if you feel you don’t have enough control over your work, or if you feel you never have enough time to finish tasks and projects.

Another common cause is your values failing to align with the actions, behaviors or values of your organization.

If you fear you may be suffering from burnout, take this self-test. From there, you can effectively address the issue.

Make It Go Away!

What can you do if you feel you’re experiencing burnout as a manager?

Short-term solutions like taking a vacation help, but you also need a strategy to permanently eliminate the problem.

  • Rediscover your purpose. Your career should mean more than just a paycheck. Look at the deeper reason behind what you do every day. How could you add more meaning to your work – or use it to make life better for others?
  • Do a job analysis. Work overload – a common cause of burnout – is highly demoralizing. Perform a job analysis so you can clarify what is expected of you and what isn’t. This way, you can identify what’s most important in your role and delegate the less essential duties. Schedule a meeting with your boss, if necessary, in order to accomplish this.
  • Take care of yourself. Eat healthy, limit alcohol use and exercise. If you follow these habits, you’ll sleep and feel better as a result. Try to manage stress by keeping a stress diary and/or practicing yoga, meditation, deep breathing or other relaxation techniques.

Maybe it’s time for a change – either a realignment of your current role or a transition to a new one. Either way, you could benefit from working with a career planning expert from PrideStaff Modesto. Read our related posts or contact us today to learn more.
